Barry Basden
we settle into
being old together
walk into a cave
out of the storm
there is warmth
and light
shadows flicker
hand prints dance on a wall
like those before us
we watch
listening for riders
in the distance
Barry Basden lives in the Texas hill country with his wife and two yellow Labs. He edits Camroc Press Review and is coauthor of CRACK! AND THUMP: WITH A COMBAT INFANTRY OFFICER IN WORLD WAR II. He is currently working on a collection of compressed pieces related to war.
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we settle into
being old together
walk into a cave
out of the storm
there is warmth
and light
shadows flicker
hand prints dance on a wall
like those before us
we watch
listening for riders
in the distance
Barry Basden lives in the Texas hill country with his wife and two yellow Labs. He edits Camroc Press Review and is coauthor of CRACK! AND THUMP: WITH A COMBAT INFANTRY OFFICER IN WORLD WAR II. He is currently working on a collection of compressed pieces related to war.
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