Brett Elizabeth Jenkins
Songs About Leaving
Honeybee, sweet animal, sweet sweet girl, you are tying your shoes wrong. Together we learn how to lace up our boots so they stay that
way. Double knot, sailor knot, double dutch can they stay tied. For how long can they keep themselves that way. Will the knots hold, can you keep running. Who is to say we can't fling our shoes off if we need flee whatever may be chasing us, asking us to stay.
Brett Elizabeth Jenkins lives and writes in Saint Paul. She is the author of the chapbook Ether/Ore (NAP, 2012). Look for her work in
Beloit Poetry Journal, PANK, Potomac Review, RHINO, and elsewhere.
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Honeybee, sweet animal, sweet sweet girl, you are tying your shoes wrong. Together we learn how to lace up our boots so they stay that
way. Double knot, sailor knot, double dutch can they stay tied. For how long can they keep themselves that way. Will the knots hold, can you keep running. Who is to say we can't fling our shoes off if we need flee whatever may be chasing us, asking us to stay.
Brett Elizabeth Jenkins lives and writes in Saint Paul. She is the author of the chapbook Ether/Ore (NAP, 2012). Look for her work in
Beloit Poetry Journal, PANK, Potomac Review, RHINO, and elsewhere.
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