Marietta Brill
On the Beauty of the Handbag Hook in Treatment Room #5
Centered and still
On a dun-
colored panel
On a dun-colored
panel, centered
On a dun-colored panel
centered and gleaming
Still and gleaming
at the neutral center
The wild
of the center
Large-ish, wild
on a neutral plain
On a field
dun and still
The center
gleaming wildly
Marietta Brill's work has appeared or is forthcoming in, About Place Journal/Rewilding Issue, The Atticus Review, Brooklyn Rail, Literary Mama, The Rumpus, and several collections from the Brooklyn-based Sweet Action Poetry Collective, of which she is a member. She and her husband split their time between the Catskill Mountains, Brooklyn, and the West coast where their son and other dear ones live.
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Centered and still
On a dun-
colored panel
On a dun-colored
panel, centered
On a dun-colored panel
centered and gleaming
Still and gleaming
at the neutral center
The wild
of the center
Large-ish, wild
on a neutral plain
On a field
dun and still
The center
gleaming wildly
Marietta Brill's work has appeared or is forthcoming in, About Place Journal/Rewilding Issue, The Atticus Review, Brooklyn Rail, Literary Mama, The Rumpus, and several collections from the Brooklyn-based Sweet Action Poetry Collective, of which she is a member. She and her husband split their time between the Catskill Mountains, Brooklyn, and the West coast where their son and other dear ones live.
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