Daniel Romo
“Your Algebra is lovely.” By lovely I mean, I scoop your entrails out
with a plastic fork and swirl them around in my mouth, then ask,
“What is the problem? I am your body’s #1 fan.”
By your body’s #1 fan I mean, you are the perfect umbrella. Your skin
is more than just water resistant. You’ll beep if I ever forget you in a
shopping cart. And strong winds will never blow you inside out.
You ask why I had eraser shavings stuck underneath my fingernails
when we first met. I answer, “It was a long, hard-ass problem.”
By long, hard-ass problem I mean, it was tough figuring out
after they die, beautiful people return as clouds. You comb the
overgrown skin from your cuticles and lament, “It’s so hard to be faithful during a thunderstorm.”
Daniel Romo’s poetry can be found or is forthcoming in Gargoyle, The Los Angeles Review, MiPOesias, decomP, and elsewhere. His first book of poetry, Romancing Gravity, is forthcoming from Pecan Grove Press. His second book of poetry, When Kerosene’s Involved, is forthcoming from Black Coffee Press. He teaches writing at Cerritos College. More of his writing can be found at danielromo.wordpress.com
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