Paul Cunningham
Edenic Language Suburbs and Holograms
cloud after cloud, we sway on porchswing. watch the sky replace itself. i fear we’ll become a timeless cartilage—without shine, brownrotten’d. i fear gruesome’s lightning. i fear the hologram made to bury our beautiful faces.
Eden, calm berries sprout our heartbeat thickest creased with red torment. i rumble for those i love, but i can feel my small, small heart denied so much. i wear this metropolis ill-relinquished—memories at gasps and fond. my script to follow, mocked.
Paul Cunningham is the author of an echapbook, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (Pangur Ban Party, 2010) and the founding editor ofRadioactive Moat Press. His writing has appeared in or is forthcoming in publications like Open Thread, DIAGRAM, The Monongahela Review, Robot Melon, MiPOesias, and H_NGM_N. He currently resides in Western Pennsylvania and blogs at
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