Carolyn Guinzio
The Orbs
The Ribbon
The Road
Carolyn Guinzio’s fourth book, Spine, was published early this year by Parlor Press. Her third book, Spoke & Dark, (Red Hen, 2012) won the To The Lighthouse/A Room Of Her Own Prize. Two earlier books are West Pullman (winner of the Bordighera Poetry Prize) and Quarry (Parlor, 2008). Her work has appeared recently or is forthcoming in Agni, Bomb, Blackbird, Boston Review, Diagram, Entropy, Harvard Review, New American Writing, The New Yorker, Thrush, Vassar Review,and many other journals.
These photographs are original, taken in the Arkansas Ozark Mountains. Sections of this sequence were named finalists for this year’s Boston Review Poetry Contest and The Pleiades Visual Poetry Series. The pieces are meant to echo traditional short forms. Visit her website is
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