Barry Spacks
With Heart
He strived to win at everything
to be a God on earth,
wishing for pleasures of elegance –
that even an everyday teacup might fill
in a dance of slowness, that body move
like an unfolding iris, and from such impulse
learn IKI, practice of classiness,
avoidance of tawdry ostentation;
reverence SHISUMI, astringency,
no blur, no melting sweetness, rot
on the spirit’s palate, and all composed
from the ordinary (KARUMI), from
SABI (solitude): brushstrokes spare
as a loved one’s single cry,
and hold
precious YUUGEN, mystery;
and use, in everything, USHIN
(with heart).
Barry Spacks, known mainly as a poet/teacher has published various novels, stories, three poetry-reading CDs and ten poetry collections while teaching literature and writing at M.I.T. & U C Santa Barbara. Over the years his poetry has appeared in The New Yorker, Harper’s, Atlantic Monthly, Paris Review and hundreds of other journals. His most recent book of poems, FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY, appeared from Cherry Grove in August, 2008. In 2012 Cherry Grove will bring out A BOUNTY OF 84S, a collaboration ping-pong exchange introducing a new short form, “the 84.”
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