Callista Buchen
Taking Care
I sit with my grief. I mother it. I hold its small, hot hand. I don’t say, shhh. I don’t say, its okay. I
wait until it is done having feelings. Then we stand and we go wash the dishes. We crack open
bedroom doors, step over the creaks, and kiss the children. We are sore from this grief, like
we’ve returned from a run, like we are training for a marathon. I’m with you all the way, says my
grief, whispering, and then we splash our face with water and stretch, one big shadow and one
Callista Buchen is the author of Look Look Look (forthcoming, Black Lawrrence Press) and the chapbooks The Bloody Planet (Black Lawrence Press, October 2015) and Double-Mouthed (winter 2016, dancing girl press). Her work appears in Harpur Palate, Puerto del Sol, Fourteen Hills, and many other journals, and she is the winner of the Langston Hughes Award and DIAGRAM's essay contest. She teaches at Franklin College in Indiana, where she directs the visiting writers reading series and advises the student literary journal.
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I sit with my grief. I mother it. I hold its small, hot hand. I don’t say, shhh. I don’t say, its okay. I
wait until it is done having feelings. Then we stand and we go wash the dishes. We crack open
bedroom doors, step over the creaks, and kiss the children. We are sore from this grief, like
we’ve returned from a run, like we are training for a marathon. I’m with you all the way, says my
grief, whispering, and then we splash our face with water and stretch, one big shadow and one
Callista Buchen is the author of Look Look Look (forthcoming, Black Lawrrence Press) and the chapbooks The Bloody Planet (Black Lawrence Press, October 2015) and Double-Mouthed (winter 2016, dancing girl press). Her work appears in Harpur Palate, Puerto del Sol, Fourteen Hills, and many other journals, and she is the winner of the Langston Hughes Award and DIAGRAM's essay contest. She teaches at Franklin College in Indiana, where she directs the visiting writers reading series and advises the student literary journal.
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