Hannah V Warren
Dear Monster
I, too, am washed in blood Extraction Impulse
116° or -37° We are all Empaths Touching the
insides Of yesterday’s sickly remains Sanitize A new
outlook Contour me A new face Mouth Brows
Ear slope Poison in my teeth Circle of blackened
Little resonant doorways festering in the sunlight
On top of a mountain Sits a bone Calcified
Weathered Pale as moonstone Monster,
that could be Your throat A warped frame All the
bones Singing Harmony of a million thrown Voices
Blended in bloodfists
Your pearled dome Your
unoriginal sin
Your unwanted pomegranate seeds
Hannah V Warren is a doctoral student at the University of Georgia where she studies poetry and speculative narratives. Her chapbook [re]construction of the necromancer won Sundress Publications’ 2019 chapbook contest, and her works have haunted or will soon appear in Crazyhorse, Passages North, The Pinch, and Fairy Tale Review.
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I, too, am washed in blood Extraction Impulse
116° or -37° We are all Empaths Touching the
insides Of yesterday’s sickly remains Sanitize A new
outlook Contour me A new face Mouth Brows
Ear slope Poison in my teeth Circle of blackened
Little resonant doorways festering in the sunlight
On top of a mountain Sits a bone Calcified
Weathered Pale as moonstone Monster,
that could be Your throat A warped frame All the
bones Singing Harmony of a million thrown Voices
Blended in bloodfists
Your pearled dome Your
unoriginal sin
Your unwanted pomegranate seeds
Hannah V Warren is a doctoral student at the University of Georgia where she studies poetry and speculative narratives. Her chapbook [re]construction of the necromancer won Sundress Publications’ 2019 chapbook contest, and her works have haunted or will soon appear in Crazyhorse, Passages North, The Pinch, and Fairy Tale Review.
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