Jay Robinson
At the office party all the men
watched a Skins Games marathon
on ESPN Classic. How’s this
any different from the 9-5? she asked.
Like she didn’t have a shirt
in the trunk of her car that said
FOR ME. Somewhere long ago
she’d given up on cooperative efforts.
In the workplace there was little
room for work apparently. If it starts
with a hypothesis, she told him,
it shouldn’t end with hypothesis too.
He said, Isn’t that circular reasoning?
and then he spiked the punch
again and also spiked his hair.
The last time he tried something
different they quickly realized
humility didn’t match his eyes. And
the crowd roared. But it was only
the TV. Except for her, everyone
knew what happened before it did.
Jay Robinson is Co-Editor-in-Chief/Review editor of Barn Owl Review. Poems have appeared recently inAnti-. Diode, Dressing Room Poetry Journal, The Laurel Review, and The North American Review. Prose has appeared in Poetry and Whiskey Island. Check out issues of Barn Owl Review at www.barnowlreview.com
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At the office party all the men
watched a Skins Games marathon
on ESPN Classic. How’s this
any different from the 9-5? she asked.
Like she didn’t have a shirt
in the trunk of her car that said
FOR ME. Somewhere long ago
she’d given up on cooperative efforts.
In the workplace there was little
room for work apparently. If it starts
with a hypothesis, she told him,
it shouldn’t end with hypothesis too.
He said, Isn’t that circular reasoning?
and then he spiked the punch
again and also spiked his hair.
The last time he tried something
different they quickly realized
humility didn’t match his eyes. And
the crowd roared. But it was only
the TV. Except for her, everyone
knew what happened before it did.
Jay Robinson is Co-Editor-in-Chief/Review editor of Barn Owl Review. Poems have appeared recently inAnti-. Diode, Dressing Room Poetry Journal, The Laurel Review, and The North American Review. Prose has appeared in Poetry and Whiskey Island. Check out issues of Barn Owl Review at www.barnowlreview.com
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