Emily Pavick
Tiny Planet
I awake thinking of a train, derailed
heavy metal behemoth
heaving eastbound in
steadfast determination
stacked like a tiny planet
against my own delicate skeleton
Emily Pavick is a fiction editor for Outlook Springs. Her work has appeared in TriQuarterly, Hippocampus Magazine, Hobart, The Forge Literary Magazine, Riggwelter Press, Monkeybicycle, and others. She lives in New Hampshire, where she is working on her first novel.
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I awake thinking of a train, derailed
heavy metal behemoth
heaving eastbound in
steadfast determination
stacked like a tiny planet
against my own delicate skeleton
Emily Pavick is a fiction editor for Outlook Springs. Her work has appeared in TriQuarterly, Hippocampus Magazine, Hobart, The Forge Literary Magazine, Riggwelter Press, Monkeybicycle, and others. She lives in New Hampshire, where she is working on her first novel.
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